Sergeant Kal Skirata didn't know for sure where he was, but this wasn't Laseema's cramped Coruscant apartment. For one thing, he couldn't hear a half-Jedi, half-Mandaloran (technically half-clone but his boys were all Mando'ade and anyone who even suggested otherwise would be facing imminent anatomical rearrangement) baby wailing for attention, or
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((I apologize for getting this up super early, but I've been asked to come into work on my day off, and I thought I would get this up sooner rather than later.))Finding a classroom in Hogwarts was not particularly difficult. The trick was finding one that hadn't already been re-purposed into larger living quarters, unofficial offices, or secret
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Whoa. What was going on here? Colby was fairly sure that this was not prison. And after the whole being revealed as a spy for the Chinese, he was fairly sure he should be on his way to prison, if not Guantanamo Bay. Not… wherever this was. It looked like some kind of castle, at least to him. And he didn’t
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Former legionary Titus Pullo, current captain of the Aventine collegium, stumbled out of his bed and into his clothes. A big man wearing the tunic of a commoner and soldier's caligae, he blearily made his way to the kitchen for breakfast, only to find that he was suddenly in a room that looked nothing like the wood and stone of his apartment on
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Assigned marriage was probably the only way Strong Sad would ever find himself a mate. He had once considered going to India and asking for someone to arrange a marriage for him, but then he started worrying about the type of girl they would fix him up with - or, worse, what if they deemed him unmatchmakeable? Eventually, the worries had gotten to
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(( Open to Lily Evans, Homsar, Sirius Black, Agent Cooper, Richard Papen, Camilla Macaulay, Aayla Secura, Homestar Runner, Sam Winchester, Judy Poovey, Dale Smither, and Charles Macaulay. Oh, and visitors if so inclined or necessary
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((Littlefinger's motives for coming to Hogwarts stolen from Camilla. Thanks!))
A short man with grey-green eyes and a goatee strolled leisurely through the Great Hall to the head table. His elegant silk blue cloak with its silver mockingbird clasp was caked with mud, but he was smiling. "I should really have a talk with that Thoros," he drawled. "
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